Wordpress Vulnerability Scan
Online Wordpress security scan for your website, plugins, and web server.
Online Wordpress security scan for your website, plugins, and web server.
To secure a site built with Wordpress, we should first understand the building blocks of a Wordpress deployment. The standard components are:
For complete security, you need to scan all of the components of your Wordpress deployment.
Run a full port scan on all of your web server hosts to find any misconfigured firewall rules, such as a database that is accidentally accessible to the public internet.
Run a network vulnerability scan on all of your web server hosts to find any outdated and insecure software, such as vulnerable versions of Apache Web Server or PhpMyAdmin. A high quality network vulnerability scan, such as OpenVAS, will also test for vulnerable Wordpress plugins.
Run a web app scan to test your website code for misconfigured cookies, SQL injection vulnerabilities, cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, and more.
Run a TLS scan to verify that your website certificate is valid and correctly set up for secure https traffic.
HostedScan Security provides a comprehensive set of industry-standard vulnerability scans to protect all aspects of your Wordpress website.
Example Wordpress Vulnerability Scanner Results
HostedScan is 100% read-only, and will never make any modifications to your servers.