Server Port Scanning
Nmap Highlights
Widely used by security teams and penetration testers.
Scan IP addresses for potentially exposed running services.
Scan CIDR blocks for new activity.
Check firewalls and routers for exposed ports.
Nmap Online Port Scan Details
Nmap is the industry leading port scanner, used daily by enterprises and infosec professionals. Nmap discovers open ports on your servers, devices, and networks. HostedScan Security provides an online port scan powered by Nmap and trusted by hundreds of businesses.
Port Scanner Use Cases
Scanning for open ports is an important step to secure your servers and networks from cyberattacks and data leaks. Verify that only expected ports are open and no services or firewalls are misconfigured. Regular port scans are often required as part of certifications such as ISO 27001 and SOC-2.